
美国流行宠物氧气面罩 帮助动物火灾逃生

慧聪消防网 https://fire.hczyw.com 2010-05-07 08:24 出处:慧聪消防网 作者:羽卒编辑:@iCMS
【慧聪消防网】 慧聪消防网编译转载请注明出处、作者 慧聪消防网5月6日编译自CBC News,2010年5月5日消息,新不伦瑞克省的居民被要求购买宠物氧气面罩,来帮助宠物在火灾中逃生。



慧聪消防网5月6日编译自CBC News,2010年5月5日消息,新不伦瑞克省的居民被要求购买宠物氧气面罩,来帮助宠物在火灾中逃生。



圣约翰消防队长Gerry Morris说,他们消防部门在大约一年前买了第一只宠物面具,并在不久后派上了用场。

“当消防队员在着火建筑内搜救时,我们遇到了一条狗。”Gerry Morris说。






动物保护协会发言人Vanessa Packman表示,这种可调整的面罩适应许多不同的宠物,可以大大提高火灾中动物的生存机会。



“现在,宠物慢慢成为重要的家庭成员,人们愿意好好照顾它们,采取必要的保护措施来确保他们的安全,这是宠物氧气面罩流行的原因。”Packman说。(编译/慧聪消防网 羽卒)



Pet oxygen masks urged for N.B.

New Brunswick residents are being asked to help pay for oxygen masks

designed to fit pets that are rescued from fires.

The request comes from fire safety officials and animal rights activists

and is part of a larger campaign to protect pets from dying in a fire.

Fire stations in Saint John and the Kennebecasis Valley already use the

masks,and officials say they have saved animals’ lives.

Gerry Morris,district fire chief of Saint John,said his fire department

bought its first pet mask about a year ago and used it soon after.

"When the fire crews did a search of the building,we did come across a

dog,” he said.

“Fortunately,the truck that was on scene had the pet mask on it. So the

firefighters started applying oxygen to the dog and it came around and

recovered after a few days."

Since then,seven new masks have been donated and Morris said all fire

units are being trained to use them.

The Fredericton Fire Department also has the pet masks. In March,a lucky

cat was given oxygen after being rescued when a fire destroyed a home.

Masks cost $100

The Society for the Protection of Animals is working with the fire marshal

to raise money to make more masks available.

Vanessa Packman,a spokesperson for the SPCA,said the masks,which can

adjust to fit many different pets,can greatly improve the chances of an

animal's survival.

"The masks are in three sizes,” Packman said. “The smallest one goes

from,say,a bird or a guinea pig,and the largest one goes on a German


Packman said the masks is important to many people who view their pets as a

part of the family.

"Pets are increasingly seen as family members and people are willing to

take the steps needed to protect



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