
吸烟引发火灾 全美50个州通过防火卷烟立法

慧聪消防网 https://fire.hczyw.com 2010-03-31 08:12 出处:慧聪消防网 作者:羽卒编辑:@iCMS
【慧聪消防网】据美国国家防火协会http://www.nfpa.org/index.asp 2010年3月19日报道,怀俄明州州长Dave Freudenthal近日签署一项法案,规定所有在怀俄明州销售的卷烟必须满足一项特殊的消防安全标准,这份法案将从2

【慧聪消防网】据美国国家防火协会http://www.nfpa.org/index.asp 2010年3月19日报道,怀俄明州州长Dave Freudenthal近日签署一项法案,规定所有在怀俄明州销售的卷烟必须满足一项特殊的消防安全标准,这份法案将从2011年7月开始生效。这标志着美国所有的50个州均通过立法来减少卷烟引起的火灾和火灾死亡人数。

“怀俄明州消防机构为这一法案的通过感到高兴,”怀俄明州消防局长协会行政立法委员会主席Marlene Aitchison说,“我们有信心,这部法律会大大减少整个怀俄明州因吸烟而引起的火灾。”

美国国家消防局局长Lanny Applegate,副主任MikeCarlson和国家消防局其他成员一起努力,在整个立法过程中,为这项法案的制定和执行细节提供详细的信息资料。“我们很高兴州长能同意签署此项旨在减少吸烟的法律,以减少火灾引发的生命和财产损失。”Lanny Applegate说。

据美国国家防火协会(NFPA)调查,香烟是家庭火灾死亡的首要原因之一,每年因吸烟引起火灾而死亡的人数在700-900人之间。“在全国范围内,可能降低火灾发生的卷烟法律将在防火领域有一个划时代的飞跃。”美国消防协会总裁兼首席执行官James M.Shannon说。早在2006年3月,美国消防协会就开始推进消防安全香烟联盟。该联盟致力于通过减少香烟引发的火灾来减少人员伤亡事故。在联盟成立之初,纽约,佛蒙特和加利福尼亚州就通过了此类立法。自那时起,其他州逐步通过类似的立法,截止目前这些法律已经在43个州生效。到2011年7月,美国所有50个州的香烟法律将全部生效。(编译/慧聪消防网 羽卒)



Wyoming passes fire-safe cigarette legislation

All 50 states now have this life-saving protection

March 19,2010 – Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal recently signed legislation requiring all cigarettes sold in Wyoming to meet a specific fire safety standard as of July,2011. This marks the 50th state to pass legislation aimed at reducing the number of cigarette fires and fire fatalities.

“The Wyoming fire service is pleased with the passage of this bill,” said Marlene Aitchison,fire chief for Laramie County Fire District #2 and chair of the Wyoming Fire Chiefs Association Legislative Committee. “We are confident that this law will significantly reduce devastation from smoking material-related fires throughout the state.”

State Fire Marshal Lanny Applegate,Deputy Director Mike Carlson and other members of the Office of the State Fire Marshal worked hard to help provide information to legislators and work-out the details of implementation of this law during this short legislative session. “We are very pleased Governor Freudenthal signed SF 52,RCIP (Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity) into law to help reduce the potential for loss of Life and Personal property,” said Applegate.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),cigarettes are the leading cause of home fire fatalities,killing between 700-900 people a year. “The nationwide introduction of cigarettes that are less likely to cause fires will provide the next leap forward in fire protection,” said James M. Shannon,president and CEO of NFPA. NFPA launched the Coalition for Fire-Safe Cigarettes in March of 2006. The Coalition is made up offire service members,consumer and disability rights advocates,medical and public health practitioners,and others committed to saving lives and preventing injuries by reducing the threat of cigarette-ignited fires. When the Coalition began,New York,Vermont and California had passed such legislation. Since that time,every other state passed similar legislation. The laws have gone into effect in 43 states. By July of 2011,all state laws will be in effect.



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